Solutions Overview
Environmental Monitoring Systems
Conventional solutions complicated and expensive?
Multiple network architectures needed?
Need to start small and scale over time?
Local and enterprise integration required?
A variety of sensors options to suit your requirements
Select the type and number of sensors from a wide range of options including temperatures in ambient and contained environments, humidity, pressure, differential pressure, airflow, contact status and AC current. You can even integrate third party sensors through our 4-20mA and 0-10VDC input modules meaning any sensor can now be networked.
Make the most of your existing infrastructure
Our hybrid system combines the best of both worlds: Our spread spectrum, frequency hopping mesh network handles hundreds of sensors and is perfect when measurements are highly concentrated. If sensors are dispersed around a facility or around the globe then Ethernet connectivity makes the most of your existing infrastructure.
Our gateways interface with virtually anything
Whether acting as a stand alone data logging and alarming system of part of a enterprise network our powerful gateways deliver sensor data where and when it’s needed. On board web servers allow thin client operation and broad protocol support such as Modbus, SNMP, ODBC, OPC, FTP, HTTP POST makes integration a snap.
Eliminate complexity with browser-based software
Embedded and cloud based applications eliminate patch management and server OS and hardware support while making powerful analytics accessible from any browser....anywhere. We can even support other sensor systems through open protocol support for maximum flexibility.